How Do I Help My Teenager With Hygiene 14 Parenting Tips

How Do I Help My Teenager With Hygiene 14 Parenting Tips

How Do I Help My Teenager With Hygiene?

Several changes occur within the human body as a child grows into an adolescent or a teen. It is the responsibility of parents, teachers, and caregivers to assist teenagers in meeting their hygiene goals.

You can help your teenager with healthy hygiene through the following ways:

  1. Talk with them about hygiene
  2. Encourage wearing clean clothes
  3. Explain the importance of brushing their teeth
  4. Advocate a proper skincare routine
  5. Instill good hand washing techniques
  6. Demonstrate the proper way to shave body hair
  7. Involve them in shopping for sanitary items
  8. Keep them on a daily regimen
  9. Serve them nutritious meals and foods
  10. Encourage physical activity
  11. Teach them about household chores
  12. Compliment their appearance
  13. Inform teenage girls about anticipated physiological changes in their bodies
  14. Teach teenage boys about their upcoming puberty

Instilling good hygiene in younger children

One of the most effective strategies to instill healthy personal hygiene habits in your adolescent is to begin teaching them at a young age. Some children prefer not to shower or bathe daily because they are too busy playing or socializing with their peers.

  • Provide scented soaps, body washes, and shampoos to encourage cleaning and make bath time enjoyable.
  • A special washcloth or shower brush can help encourage kids to clean up and establish a daily ritual.

Making these duties a habit early on will continue over into adolescence and life.

14 ways you can teach your teenager about hygiene

  1. Talk with them
    • Sit down with your child and talk to them. Explain to them why showering frequently and using deodorants and facial wash that suits their skin are important for cleanliness, health, and hygiene.
    • Share your hygiene practice with them.
    • Instead of discouraging your children with statements, such as "you stink," encourage them to try new fitness and hygiene protocols.
    • Clothes
      • Encourage your child to change their underwear regularly and explain that because they are sweating more, wearing the same t-shirt day after day is not appropriate.
      • Make sure your child always has clean clothes and shirts for school.
      • Buying new underwear or boxers regularly will encourage your youngster to change more frequently.
      • Brush teeth
        • Tell them to brush their teeth two times a day, in the morning and before night, from top to bottom and in circular motions for two minutes.
        • Inform them about the dangers of bad breath and dental decay. Teach your kid the importance of rinsing their mouth and flossing after each meal.
        • Skin hygiene
          • Advocate a proper skincare routine and explain how a consistent routine can help their skin.
          • Thorough washing, toning, and moisturizing are essential to reduce breakouts.
          • Because of hormonal changes in the adolescent body, sweat glands become more active, worsening the odor of the adolescent’s perspiration. Remind them to take a shower once or twice a day in the morning and evening.
          • Explain to your teen that they must properly clean their fingernails, toes, behind the ear, and private areas while showering.
          • Hand washing and nail hygiene
            • Explain to your teen the importance of keeping their hands and nails clean.
            • They must thoroughly wash their hands after coming in from the outside, after using the restroom, before and after eating, after playing with animals, and after handling money.
            • The goal of hand washing is to remove germs, bacteria, and dirt rather than to kill them. Inform your adolescent that hand washing should take at least 15 to 20 seconds.
            • Show children how to clip their nails without getting hurt.
            • Maintain body hair
              • New types of hair begin to grow as a result of the formation of new hormones in the adolescent’s body.
              • The youngster may shave in specific areas of the body, but this is entirely up to them.
              • If your adolescent decides to shave, inform them of the healthy and safe shaving options.
              • Involve them in shopping
                • When you go shopping for sanitary items, include your adolescent.
                • Allow them to select their own deodorants, shower gels, face washes, and shampoos.
                • If your teen feels embarrassed about shopping with you, you can always send them to the store with a list or let them shop online.
                • Purchase new goods for your youngster regularly to keep them interested.
                • Follow the same daily regimen
                  • Teenagers do not like to go to bed earlier than the rest of the adults in the family.
                  • Stick to the same everyday routine. Even adults must go to bed at 10 pm and sleep for 8 hours.
                  • Maintain the same food hygiene
                    • Adolescents overlook eating healthier foods. Junk food is frequently part of their diet.
                    • Make nutritious breakfasts, lunches, and dinners and eat with them at the same time and table.
                    • When you spend time together on weekends, pay attention to what they eat outside the home and educate them on how to eat healthily.
                    • Be a physically active family
                      • Another criterion for developing a teen’s health is to get enough physical activity during the day.
                      • To instill the habit of physical activity in your adolescent, exercise with them.
                      • Spend more time outside playing sports, such as football or basketball, with your friends.
                      • If you are too busy to exercise, find a decent coach who will handle it for you.
                      • Help your teenager join a basketball or baseball team or participate in athletics.
                      • Basic household management
                        • Get your teen to help around the house. Teach them to cook, clean the kitchen, do laundry, and clean and sanitize the house.
                        • These are important steps for your teen to become self-sufficient and confident.
                        • Compliment them
                          • Consistently compliment your adolescent. Tell your youngster that they smell great after a shower and that their hair looks great. It will increase their self-esteem and encourage them to keep going.
                          • When they help you with house chores, reward them with a gift or some money.
                          • Teen girl’s intimate hygiene
                            • Parents should inform their adolescent daughters about all the anticipated physiological changes in their bodies before they experience the first signs of menstruation.
                            • Explain the importance of using pads during their periods.
                            • From a physiological standpoint, a mother should teach her daughter to use pads, change them, the frequency of changing pads, and pay attention to genital hygiene during menstruation.
                            • Show her how to make a calendar to keep track of the regularity of her menstrual cycle.
                            • To avoid scaring her about the changes her body will have to go through, try to be as empathetic as possible. She should not be afraid to speak up or communicate her feelings concerning her concerns or insecurities.
                            • Teen boy’s intimate hygiene
                              • The adolescent boy should be taught about impending ejaculations and initial erections.
                              • The father could explain to his son the importance of changing his underwear on time and washing the sperm leftovers from the penis.
                              • The adolescent should understand that these physical changes should not humiliate him.
                              • These are symptoms of his body’s various hormonal changes during the puberty period.
                              • Explain to him that the development of his genital organs is a natural process as he matures from a boy to a man. Inform him that he may experience feelings of sexual desire as he ages.
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