Duck Eggs vs Chicken Eggs Nutrition Benefits Chart Taste

Duck Eggs vs Chicken Eggs Nutrition Benefits Chart Taste

Duck Eggs vs. Chicken Eggs: Nutrition, Benefits, and More

Eggs are superfoods packed with nutrients and easy to prepare. They can be used in various recipes from sweets to savories.

Chicken eggs are popular, but eggs from other birds, like ducks, geese, turkey, and quail, are also gaining popularity. Duck and chicken eggs have similarities in taste, nutrients, and risks, but there are some differences too.


  • Duck eggs are 1.5 to 2 times larger.
  • An average chicken egg weighs 50 to 60 grams, while a duck egg can weigh between 70 and 80 grams.
  • Duck eggs have speckled shells, while chicken eggs are uniformly colored. The shell color varies by species.
  • Duck eggs have thicker and tougher shells with a waxy coating that enables them to float in water.
  • Duck egg yolks are larger and darker orange, while chicken egg yolks are light yellow to orange.
  • Duck eggs may have a longer shelf life due to their thicker shells, but it depends on storage conditions.


Duck eggs have a stronger, creamier, and richer taste, but not everyone may adapt to or like the flavor.

Both duck and chicken eggs can be used in dishes like cookies and cakes.


Here is a comparison of the nutrients present in 100 grams of raw duck and chicken eggs:

Table. Duck egg vs chicken egg nutritional content (raw; 100 grams)

Name Duck eggs Chicken eggs Minerals: Vitamins:
Energy 185 kcal 143 kcal
Water 70.8 g 76.2 g
Protein 12.8 g 12.6 g
Total fats 13.8 g 9.51 g
Cholesterol 884 mg 372 mg
Total carbs 1.45 g 0.72 g
Fiber 0 g 0 g
Calcium 64 mg 56 mg
Magnesium 17 mg 12 mg
Phosphorous 220 mg 198 mg
Potassium 222 mg 138 mg
Sodium 146 mg 142 mg
Iron 3.85 mg 1.75 mg
Selenium 36.4 µg 30.7 µg
Zinc 1.41 mg 1.29 mg
Thiamin 0.16 mg 0.04 mg
Riboflavin 0.40 mg 0.46 mg
Niacin 0.2 mg 0.07 mg
Pantothenic acid 1.86 mg 1.53 mg
Vitamin B6 0.25 mg 0.17 mg
Folate 80 µg 47 µg
Vitamin B12 5.4 µg 0.89 µg
Choline 263 mg 294 mg
Vitamin A 674 IU 540 IU
Lutein + zeaxanthin 459 µg 503 µg
Vitamin E 1.34 mg 1.05 mg
Vitamin D 69 IU 82 IU
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 0.4 µg 0.3 µg
Vitamin C 0 0
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For the same weight, duck eggs have more than double the amount of cholesterol as chicken eggs.

  • Average duck eggs weighing about 70 grams provide 619 mg of cholesterol, which is more than twice the daily upper limit (300 mg) and almost three times the cholesterol (186 mg) in an average chicken egg weighing 50 grams.
  • Studies suggest that eggs also provide healthy fats that help regulate blood cholesterol levels. Saturated fats in the diet play a larger role in cardiovascular disease causation than dietary cholesterol.

Consume eggs in moderation, avoiding ingredients like oils, butter, fatty meats, and processed meat. Include vegetables in your egg dishes for added health benefits and satiety.


Both duck and chicken eggs are excellent protein sources, with similar protein content per unit weight. Duck eggs, being larger, provide more protein per egg (around nine grams) compared to chicken eggs (approximately six grams). Both eggs contain essential amino acids required for optimal body functioning.

Cardiovascular Health

Eggs are often criticized for their cholesterol content. However, research shows that moderate egg consumption as part of a balanced diet can increase high-density lipoprotein (good) cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Avoid excess fats, oils, and salt when cooking eggs. If you have high triglyceride levels, consult your doctor before including eggs in your diet.

Brain Health and Mental Well-being

Both duck and chicken eggs are beneficial for brain health. They provide nutrients like choline, lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins, and micronutrients that promote brain development and prevent cognitive decline and memory issues. Eggs also provide folate, which helps prevent neural tube defects in fetuses.

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Eggs may contribute to mental well-being by providing tryptophan (which produces the feel-good hormone serotonin) and vitamin D (which can lower stress and depression).


Both duck and chicken eggs are rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients that support a healthy immune system. These nutrients help enhance immune response, fight infections, and aid in recovery from illnesses.

Skin and Hair

Both duck and chicken eggs are beneficial for hair, nails, and skin. Protein, vitamins E and A, and B vitamins in eggs promote healthy hair and skin. Antioxidants protect the skin and hair from the damaging effects of free radicals.

Weight Loss

Eggs can aid in weight loss by boosting metabolism, promoting satiety, and helping build lean body mass. Including both duck and chicken eggs in moderation instead of unhealthy snacks can contribute to weight loss. However, duck eggs are more calorie-dense, so it’s important to monitor calorie intake when including them in your diet.

Bone and Muscles

Both duck and chicken eggs are rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins D and K. These nutrients support muscle and bone health, improve bone density, and contribute to lean body mass.

Health Risks

Proper storage, handling, preparation, and consumption practices can prevent health risks associated with both duck and chicken eggs.

  • Uncooked or partially cooked eggs may carry harmful bacteria and viruses, such as Salmonella. These infections can be serious, especially in vulnerable individuals like pregnant women, children, and those with weakened immune systems.
  • Pasteurization of eggs can reduce the risk of infections. Cooking eggs thoroughly reduces the risk of infection.
  • Some individuals have egg allergies and should avoid consuming eggs.
  • Excessive consumption of eggs, especially when combined with butter, salt, fatty meats, or as baked goods, can increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, and cardiovascular diseases.
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  • Both duck and chicken eggs are nutrient-rich, providing protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
  • Duck eggs contain higher amounts of certain nutrients such as vitamins A, E, and K, folate, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium.

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