Is Chayote a Fruit or Vegetable and What Are the Health Benefits

Is Chayote a Fruit or Vegetable and What Are the Health Benefits

Chayote: Fruit or Vegetable with Health Benefits?

Chayote, a type of squash related to pumpkins, melons, and gourds, offers health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants, regulates blood sugar, and prevents obesity.

Chayote is grown primarily in tropical and subtropical areas like Mexico and Brazil, but it is widely distributed globally.

In English-speaking countries, chayotes may be called vegetable pears, Madeira marrow, or chuchu, iskus, or güisquil in other regions.

Originally cultivated in Central America, chayote has a history of use in traditional medicine. Its leaves aid in passing kidney stones and treating high blood pressure. Chayote fruit infusions have been used to empty the bladder.

Is chayote a fruit or a vegetable? Chayote is a fruit because it is a type of squash that includes seeds.

While the chayote squash contains a large seed, other plant parts such as the roots and leaves are not considered fruits since they lack seeds.

Technically, many products we call vegetables, such as squashes, pumpkins, tomatoes, and cucumbers, are actually fruits. However, they are referred to as vegetables due to their flavor and how they are consumed.

Nutritional properties of chayote

Chayote contains a high water content. A 100-gram serving of chayote consists of over 94 grams of water.

Despite its water content, chayote contains numerous macro- and micronutrients. A 100-gram serving of chayote provides:

  • 0.82 grams of protein
  • 4.51 grams of carbohydrates
  • 1.7 grams of fiber
  • 17 milligrams of calcium
  • 12 milligrams of magnesium
  • 18 milligrams of phosphorus
  • 125 milligrams of potassium
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In addition to vital nutrients, chayote is low in calories and fat. A 100-gram serving contains only 19 calories and less than 0.15 grams of fat.

Chayote is also a good source of antioxidants, including flavonoids, polyphenols, and carotenoids. These antioxidants help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals.

Health benefits of chayote

Chayote offers various health benefits due to its high nutrient content. Some research suggests positive effects on overall health.

Chayote contains numerous antioxidants that have been linked to preventing chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, and cognitive decline.

Chayote may help regulate blood sugar by lowering blood glucose levels and normalizing glucose tolerance.

Chayote may help prevent obesity due to its low-calorie nature and potential to regulate fat tissue and fat content around the liver.

Chayote may improve heart health by reducing cholesterol levels, which can impact heart disease and stroke. It may also help control hypertension.

Chayote may help protect the liver by reducing enzymes associated with liver damage and increasing circulating antioxidants.

Chayote may help with ulcers by lowering factors that contribute to ulcer formation and reducing stomach acidity.

Chayote may help prevent mutations and cancer by preventing DNA mutations and limiting the growth and survival of cancer cells.

Chayote can help protect against harmful bacteria by opposing bacteria in a similar way to antibiotics.


Adding chayote to your diet

Chayote is a tasty and nutritious fruit that can be enjoyed on its own or as part of various dishes.

What does chayote taste like? Chayote can taste bland or sweet and starchy, depending on its ripeness. Its taste is often compared to that of cucumbers.

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How to prepare chayote. Chayote can be eaten raw or prepared in different ways, such as frying, creaming, boiling, baking, or mashing. It can also be stuffed or added to salads, stews, and pies. Preserving chayote as jam, jelly, or pickles can extend its shelf life.

Does chayote need to be peeled? While the skin is edible, it may not taste as good as the inside of the fruit.

Chayote: A tasty fruit packed with nutrients

Chayote is a delicious and versatile fruit used in traditional medicine. Its nutrients and antioxidants may provide various health benefits, including liver protection, cancer cell reduction, and blood pressure control.

While more research is needed to confirm these benefits in humans, chayote is a flavorful and low-calorie addition to a balanced diet.


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