Side Effects of Rhinocort Aqua budesonide Interactions Warnings

Side Effects of Rhinocort Aqua budesonide Interactions Warnings

Side Effects of Rhinocort Aqua (budesonide)

Rhinocort Aqua (budesonide) is a synthetic glucocorticoid steroid used to manage symptoms of allergic rhinitis and nasal polyps. It is a nasal inhaler that directly targets the lining of the nose and has potent anti-inflammatory effects. The brand name Rhinocort Aqua is discontinued in the U.S.

Common side effects of Rhinocort Aqua include nasal irritation, sore throat, cough, bronchospasm, and nosebleed. Serious side effects include upper respiratory infections, serious allergic reactions, increased intraocular pressure, cataracts, glaucoma, and growth suppression.

Rhinocort Aqua may interact with certain drugs, such as ketoconazole, ritonavir, and clarithromycin, which can increase the concentration of budesonide in the blood and lead to more side effects.

Studies on the use of Rhinocort Aqua during pregnancy and breastfeeding show no significant increase in fetal abnormalities or infant exposure, but caution should still be exercised.

Important Side Effects of Rhinocort Aqua (budesonide)

The most common side effects of nasal budesonide include nasal irritation, sore throat, cough, bronchospasm, and nosebleed. Other side effects include upper respiratory infections, serious allergic reactions, increased intraocular pressure, cataracts, glaucoma, and growth suppression.

Rhinocort Aqua (budesonide) Side Effects for Healthcare Professionals

The use of corticosteroids may result in various side effects, including epistaxis, Candida albicans infection, nasal septum perforation, impaired wound healing, hypersensitivity reactions, immunosuppression, hypercorticism, adrenal suppression, growth effects, glaucoma, and cataracts.

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Clinical Trials Experience

Based on clinical trials, common adverse reactions of Rhinocort Aqua include epistaxis, pharyngitis, bronchospasm, coughing, and nasal irritation. Similar effects were observed in pediatric patients. Few patients discontinued using Rhinocort Aqua due to adverse reactions.

Post-marketing Experience

Post-approval use of Rhinocort Aqua has reported immune system disorders, eye disorders, respiratory disorders, cardiac disorders, and musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders.

Drug Interactions with Rhinocort Aqua (budesonide)

Inhibitors of Cytochrome P450 3A4

Rhinocort Aqua is metabolized by cytochrome P450 3A4. Administration with inhibitors of CYP3A4, such as ketoconazole and ritonavir, may increase the systemic exposure to budesonide. Caution should be exercised when co-administering Rhinocort Aqua with these drugs.


Rhinocort Aqua is a synthetic glucocorticoid steroid used to manage symptoms of allergic rhinitis and nasal polyps. Common side effects include nasal irritation, sore throat, cough, bronchospasm, and nosebleed. Its use during pregnancy and breastfeeding should be approached with caution.


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