What Does Fenugreek Do for Females 7 Health Benefits Sexual Health Side Effects

What Does Fenugreek Do for Females 7 Health Benefits Sexual Health Side Effects

What Does Fenugreek Do for Females?

Available in various forms including powders, capsules, and oils, fenugreek is also believed to help with other medical conditions in both men and women. Consult your doctor before consuming any herbal supplements, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

Pregnant or lactating women must avoid taking fenugreek or other supplements without approval from their healthcare provider.

What is fenugreek?

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a clover-like fragrant herb that belongs to the pea family (Fabaceae). The plant is native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean region and is cultivated in Central and Southeastern Europe, western parts of Asia, India, and Northern Africa.

Dried leaves and aromatic seeds of the fenugreek plant are used in various cuisines and herbal medicines. Fenugreek seeds have a distinct aroma and a bitter taste resembling maple syrup or burnt sugar. The seeds and dried leaves are used as a spice or mixed with flour to prepare bread. Fenugreek seeds may be cooked or eaten raw after soaking in water.

Fenugreek extracts are also used in cosmetics and soaps. They have been used in herbal medicinal preparations either as the principal drug constituent or to mask the aroma or taste of other herbal drugs.

7 health benefits of fenugreek for females

While there are potential health benefits of fenugreek for females, many of these claims require more scientific evidence. Talk to your doctor before using fenugreek as an herbal remedy.

  • Increases breast milk production: Some studies suggest that fenugreek improves milk production in lactating women. However, there is a lack of evidence to support this claim.
  • Relieves menstrual cramps: Fenugreek has been shown to relieve dysmenorrhea, or painful menstrual periods. Women who took fenugreek supplements reported a reduced need for painkillers for menstrual cramps.
  • Improves sex drive: Fenugreek may help improve sex drive and stamina in women by increasing levels of the hormone estrogen.
  • Helps with weight management: Some studies suggest that fenugreek may help reduce weight by promoting satiety and controlling hunger.
  • Promotes healthy skin and hair: Fenugreek may help promote skin and hair health and aid in the treatment of skin conditions such as eczema and hair loss in women.
  • Improves digestion: Fenugreek aids in digestion and may help with heartburn, indigestion, and stomach upset.
  • Helps manage blood sugar: Fenugreek may help regulate blood sugar levels in both men and women. Consuming fenugreek seeds with meals may lower post-meal blood sugar levels in people with type II diabetes.
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Other purported health benefits of fenugreek include promoting heart health, hair growth, managing blood cholesterol and high blood pressure, treating fever, managing allergies, and healing wounds.

It is important to note that fenugreek may cause severe allergies in susceptible individuals. In diabetic individuals who are on medications, it may lower blood sugar levels to dangerous levels. Always talk to your healthcare provider before starting any supplement.

What are the side effects of fenugreek for females?

Fenugreek is generally safe when taken in moderation or consumed in foods. Side effects may occur when consumed in larger quantities over longer periods of time. People with underlying health conditions or those taking medications may be especially vulnerable.

Side effects of fenugreek exclusive to females

Pregnant women must avoid fenugreek supplements or medications as they may have adverse effects on the baby, leading to premature uterine contractions, increased miscarriage risk, and fetal deformities. Consuming fenugreek shortly before delivery may cause an unusual body and urine odor in the baby.

Fenugreek may be secreted in breast milk. Although studies do not report any harm to babies if ingested, lactating mothers should seek medical advice before taking fenugreek supplements.

Fenugreek has an estrogen-like effect on the body and may worsen estrogen-dependent tumors in certain types of breast cancer. Consult your doctor if you wish to use fenugreek supplements and have been diagnosed with breast tumors.

Side effects of fenugreek common to both males and females

Side effects that can affect both males and females include diarrhea, indigestion, flatulence or bloating, nausea, headache, dizziness, and abnormal urine odor.

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Fenugreek can also cause an allergic reaction in some people, especially those who are allergic to peanuts, peas, soybeans, or other legumes. This may result in hives, facial swelling, breathing difficulty, and nasal congestion. Consult your doctor immediately if you develop such symptoms.

People on diabetes medications may be at a risk of low blood sugar levels while taking fenugreek, and the supplement may increase the risk of bleeding in people taking blood-thinning medications.

Is fenugreek good for males?

Men can take fenugreek as well. However, medical advice should be sought before consuming fenugreek for treatment purposes. This is especially important for men who are taking supplements or medications or have any underlying health conditions.

Although there is insufficient scientific evidence to prove these claims, fenugreek supplementation may have the following health benefits for males:

  • Improves sex drive
  • Improves sexual performance
  • Helps in the treatment of erectile dysfunction
  • Improves cardiovascular health
  • Enhances exercise performance
  • Improves blood cholesterol levels
  • Improves blood sugar control
  • May help fight cancer
  • Improves kidney function
  • Reduces skin conditions such as eczema
  • Helps treat fever and allergies
  • Improves gut health

How to prepare fenugreek tea

Fenugreek tea can be prepared at home with these simple steps:

  • Rinse 2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds.
  • Boil 2 cups of water in a saucepan and stir in the seeds.
  • Boil for 3-4 minutes.
  • Strain the liquid into a mug.
  • Add lemon, honey, sugar, or other ingredients to enhance the taste.

Consult your doctor before taking fenugreek tea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Why is sexual health important?

Sexual health is important for a fulfilling sex life. It allows you to choose your sexuality, protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases, and choose how and when to conceive or avoid conception.

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Being sexually healthy means:

  • Having access to up-to-date educational information and care
  • Recognizing the sexual rights everyone shares
  • Understanding that sexuality goes beyond sexual behavior
  • Making efforts to prevent unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections
  • Knowing when to seek medical help regarding pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases
  • Understanding how and when to express concerns about sexual health with your partner or doctor
  • Being educated enough to identify misinformation related to sexual health
  • Being able to participate in sexual relationships, intimacy, and sexual pleasure
  • Understanding the importance of communication, consent, and emotional and physical health with regards to sexual relationships to avoid coercion or violence
  • Avoiding sexually risky behaviors

Sexual health impacts other aspects of health. For example, the ability to have a healthy sexual relationship with your partner helps you stay emotionally healthy. Similarly, knowing how to avoid unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections helps you stay mentally and physically healthy as well.

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What is sexual health?

According to the World Health Organization, good sexual health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being in all matters regarding the functions of sexuality and not merely an absence of disease, dysfunction, or infirmity.

Unfortunately, not everyone has access to accurate information about sexual and reproductive health. It’s important to be empowered to protect yourself from STIs and unwanted pregnancy, as well as be aware of how to approach sexuality with positivity and respect.

What are issues related to sexual health?

Sexual health is a vast term encompassing various issues including sexual relationships, sexual orientation, gender identity, fertility, pregnancy, childbirth, and abortion, sexual expression, sexual pleasure, sexually transmitted infections, their treatment, prevention, and complications, sexual violence, sexual dysfunction, sexually risky behavior, and harmful practices such as female genital mutilation.


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