What Baked Goods Can People With Diabetes Eat 8 Diabetic Desserts

What Baked Goods Can People With Diabetes Eat 8 Diabetic Desserts

What Baked Goods Can People With Diabetes Eat?

These eight baked goods contain a small number of carbs and sugars, making them suitable for people with diabetes in moderation.

While most baked items are high in carbohydrates, which is undesirable for people with diabetes, there are several diabetes-friendly baked options.

The baked goods listed below have a low amount of carbs and sugars. When eaten in small portions, they can satisfy a sweet tooth without causing blood sugar spikes.

8 baked foods for people with diabetes

  1. Low sugar chocolate chip cookies made with milk and honey
  2. Gluten-free chocolate avocado muffins made with almond flour
  3. Low sugar peanut butter fruit dip
  4. Peanut butter cookies
  5. Whole-wheat orange cake
  6. Dark chocolate
  7. Gelatin desserts
  8. Baked cookies made from millets, barley, and brown rice (millets have a low glycemic index and can aid with blood sugar management)

9 strategies for baking foods or snacks for people with diabetes

  1. Replace creamed butter
    • Whip mashed banana or apple puree with a little sugar and rapeseed oil as a substitute for creamed butter without the added saturated fat.
    • Use low-fat Greek yogurt instead of cream
    • Sweeten with dried fruit
      • Instead of sugar, use dried fruit to add sweetness to cakes.
      • Soak raisins, sultanas, and currants in boiling water to plump them up and make them juicier.
      • Use whole-grain flour
      • Substitute butter with oil or lower-fat spread
      • Add oatmeal
        • Reduce the amount of flour and replace it with oats to increase soluble fiber.
        • Be mindful of sweeteners
          • Some sweeteners, including agave nectar and honey, are processed as sugar and should be used sparingly.
          • Add grated vegetables
            • Zucchini, carrots, and beets can be added to cake batter for moisture without overpowering the taste.
            • Add fresh fruit
              • Apples, pears, blueberries, blackberries, peaches, and nectarines bring taste and natural sweetness to baked goods.
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              5 tips for baking snacks or meals for people with diabetes

              1. Replace butter with avocado
              2. Replace half of the butter and sugar with unsweetened applesauce
              3. Experiment with sugar replacements and less sugar
              4. Use nut flours instead of refined flour
              5. Use cacao nibs instead of chocolate

              Having diabetes doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a dessert or treat. It’s important to understand how these indulgences fit into your diet and monitor your portion sizes. By baking your own desserts, you have control over the ingredients and can make healthier modifications to recipes.

              What guidelines should I follow for a diabetic diet?

              There isn’t a one-size-fits-all diet for diabetes because there are different types of the condition, including type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes.

              Your diet should be based on factors such as your gender, age, energy level, health condition, and weight. Many patients create diet charts based on diabetes diet guidelines.

              People with diabetes can eat the same meals as the rest of their family, but they need to be mindful of the number of meals and the timing. It’s important to include a variety of foods for a healthy diet.

              What should I include in my diabetic diet?

              The first priority is to change your eating habits. Replace simple carbohydrates with complex carbs like whole-wheat bread, vegetables, and brown rice.

              6 types of foods to add to your diabetic diet

              1. Complex carbs – Whole-wheat bread, vegetables, and brown rice
              2. Whole grains – They have more vitamins and minerals, fiber, and can help regulate blood sugar.
              3. Low glycemic index foods – Include green leafy vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fruits, nuts, and lean meats.
              4. Protein – Get protein from plant sources and lean meats.
              5. Green leafy vegetables – Include spinach, kale, cabbage, bok choy, and celery.
              6. Fruits – Focus on citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and kiwis.
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              In addition to the above, you can also add strawberries, avocados, chia seeds, Greek yogurt, eggs, beans, flaxseeds, nuts, pistachios, extra-virgin olive oil, and herbs and spices to your diabetic diet.

              What should I exclude from my diabetic diet?

              Avoid simple carbs, limit animal protein, avoid fruit juice, and stay away from processed foods.

              4 types of foods to limit or exclude from your diabetic diet

              1. Avoid simple carbs – Baked products with processed white flour, white bread, sweetened cereals, and sugary beverages.
              2. Limit animal protein – Reduce intake of red meat, fatty cuts of meat, skin-on chicken, and fried seafood.
              3. Avoid fruit juice – Opt for whole fruits instead.
              4. Avoid processed foods – Don’t consume chips, sweetened cereals, packaged juices, and unhealthy snacks.

              It’s important to consult with a dietician to create a personalized diabetic diet plan that suits your needs and preferences. Stick to your food plan to effectively manage diabetes.

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